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Taxi rental in Cuba, shared and collective taxi from Trinidad to Havana

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Book your taxi with us

CubaCasasRental is committed to providing our clients punctuality and quality service, we have a large fleet of taxis with options even for the most demanding. Different modes of transportation are offered throughout the island of Cuba, transportation in collective vehicles, private and circuit trips to different destinations. We also offer pick-ups at all airports in Cuba, from Havana to airports in the eastern area, with transfers to the most important tourist destinations such as Trinidad, Viñales, Varadero and the rest of the island.

Our prices fit everyone’s pocket, we only ask our clients to try to book in advance as a last minute taxi service may have an additional cost.

Below we offer estimated prices for collective taxis, these may vary depending on the situation with fuel and the season

If you need to book casas particulares you can find options here : casas in Havana , Casas near the Havana Airport, Casas in Varadero , Casas in Trinidad and Casas in Vinales

Transportation Services We Offer


When you pay for a private transportation service, you will travel only with your companions and the driver.


When you request a collective service, although the price of the service will have a lower cost, you will share the vehicle with other passengers.


If you will stay several days in Cuba and plan to have frequent and long-distance trips, it may be convenient for you to rent the car for a daily cost, you will not have to pay anything to the driver.

Cayo Coco/Cayo Guillermo 45€ 8:00am
Cayo Santa María 35€ 8:00am
La Habana 30€ 8:00am
Varadero 35€ 8:00am
Santa Clara 25€ 8:00am
Cienfuegos 20€ 8:00am
Tope de Collantes 30€ 9:00am
El Nicho 100€ 9:00am
Playa Ancón 15€ 9:00am
La Habana70€1:00pm
Santa Clara30€1:00pm